Sélection du personnel Ingenieur telephonie Paris offre d'emploi. world-job.fr - RECHERCHE DU TRAVAIL, BASE DES OFFRES D'EMPLOI, CVs, AGENCES DE RECRUTEMENT, TRAVAIL ETUDIANT. 

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Offre d'emploi

Consultations: 6652
Date:15:07 16.07.2012
Région:France » Paris
Profession: Ingenieur telephonie
Salaire: Selon le contrat
Horaire:N’a pas d’importance
Exigences:Job Qualification/ Experience •Minimum of 3 years of Fiber Optic experience. •Minimum of 2 years of project management experience. Specific Competencies The selected candidate would combine a strong technical background with great organizational and communication skills, detail-oriented, self-motivated individuals bringing a strong ability to troubleshoot problems. Inspired by the desire to understand the details involved in effectively deploying critical software and hardware and playing a key role in challenging environments. •Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively in English (written and oral), •Autonomous in decoding logs to analyze results of the test, •Good synthesize and communication skills to extract the right information to communicate, •Ability to read, evaluate and interpet schematics, diagrams and maps, •Planning and organizing skills, •Knowledge of business plans, customer requirements, and market. Technical skills As a Fiber Optic Project Manager- your skills and qualifications will ideally include: •Experience in the Fiber Optic deployment, •Strong understanding of utility distribution networks, •Experience troubleshooting Fiber optic issues, •General understanding of Fiber optic cable system dsign and theory, •Good ability in coverage planning, traffic planning and network emulation, •Telecommunications protocols, such as SS7, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, UTRAN, H248, BICC, VoIP,SIP, RTP,etc., •Stong understanding of fixed, mobile and converged Telecommunication networks
Devoirs fonctionnaires: If you are ready to take on this challenging role, please apply now for immediate consideration and get the excitement back into your career.
Expérience:N’a pas d’importance
Type de contrat:Pas d’importance
Адрес:Information sera accessible seulement après Votre enregistrement et autorisation sur le site
Е-mail:Information sera accessible seulement après Votre enregistrement et autorisation sur le site
Téléphone: Information sera accessible seulement après Votre enregistrement et autorisation sur le site


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