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Date de l'addition:14:08 13.07.2012
Nom:Dan Iordachescu
Situation de famille, enfantsMarriee
Région:n'importe laquelle
Profession: Ingénieur-constructeur
Niveau désirable de revenu:8000 EUR/par mois
Expérience:Plus de dix ans
Horaire:N’a pas d’importance
Type de contrat:Pas d’importance
Emplois précédents: 1.CONSTRUCTION MANAGER(Head of site management and of consultancy-the client representative) 04.2011- 31.03.2012:"VERBUND Renewable Power" (Austria).Country: Romania.Project: 77 Wind farms in a total amount of 200 MW. Project cost:360 mil Euros.Responsibilities: As a client representative: supervision & management overall the entire project: Monthly meetings, Daily, Weekly and Monthly Reports, Managing the Supervisory Engineers, Quality Assurance Plan approval, Method Statements approval, HSE Plan approval, invoices approval, quality and quantity supervision, planning and coordinating the project participants, chairman of the weekly meetings, daily quality inspections, etc. 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER:(CM-consulting)02.2010- 02.2011:"ATLC" (Arab Tunisian-Libyan Consultancy) Country: Libya. Project: 3000 Houses in 5 locations of Libya. Project amount: 200 mil Euros. Responsibilities: As a consultant, supervision and management overall the entire project: Quality Assurance, Contractor’s audit, Method Statement approvals, Materials approval, Invoices approval, Monthly meetings, Daily, Weekly and monthly Reports,and so on. 3. DEPUTY PROJECT MANAGER 02.2009- 02.2010: "Emaco Group international".Country: Libya. Infrastructure (water feed, sewerage, gas, telecom, roads etc). Project: complete infrastructure of 3 cities (Ghat, Barket, Al Awaynat). Project amount: 160 mil Euros.Responsibilities: Full coordination of preparation and of execution teams. Long lead items, Master Plan preparation, Budget coordination, planning, recruiting, etc. 4.PROJECT MANAGER: 01.04.2008 - 30.12.2008: "Elco construct":France- Flamanville: The Nuclear Power Plant, EPR3. 5.PROJECT CONTROL ENG:12.2006-01.2008: "COJAAL": Algeria- Constantine. Project: East West Algerian Motorway- bridges & structures team.
Formation:Studies: -Civil Engineers University-1983 promotion: Bachelor degree. Courses, certificates & awards: -Work safety responsible certificate-2005 -Work management degree -Sales negotiations degree -Linux networking administrations certificate. Foreign Languages (writing/speech/reading): English (advanced, advanced, advanced) French (advanced, advanced, advanced) Italian (beginner, beginner, medium) PC skills: Ms Office, AutoCAD, Ms Office-Project, Networking Linux. Other skills or details that is relevant to your CV: -Excellent negotiator -experienced quality supervisor. -skilled in planning, coordinating and project control
Information supplémentaire:Male, date of born: 21.06.1957, married Address: Bucharest, Romania Phone +40722291900 E-mail: YM: jordache50 Skype: jordache50 Google talk: jordache50 Driving License: Cat. B, Since: 20.05.1980 Military status: yes
E-mail:Information sera accessible seulement après Votre enregistrement et autorisation sur le site
Téléphone: Information sera accessible seulement après Votre enregistrement et autorisation sur le site


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